Breaking Barriers in Email Accessibility with Megan Boshuyzen

Author: Janice Dombrowski


In this episode of the Marketing Magnified Podcast, Janice Dombrowski speaks with Megan Boshuyzen, an award-winning senior email developer. They discuss the significance of email accessibility, essential design best practices, interactive emails, and more. This episode is ideal for both email marketers and developers.

A brief snapshot of what you'll hear more about in this episode:

  • Best practices for email design
  • Importance of email accessibility
  • Examples of poor email accessibility
  • Interactive email development
  • Tools for testing email accessibility
  • Future directions in email development

Connect with Meghan here 


Topics: Marketing Magnified

About the Author:

Janice Dombrowski is the Content Director at Stream Creative with a focus on writing and strategic development, from idea to execution. Inbound certified. Canadian. Big fan of snow.

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