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Weekly Flashback: Buyer Journey Models and 99 Percent of LinkedIn Users Make This Mistake

Written by Steve James | May 13, 2016 3:43:23 PM

Have you done the necessary research to create an in-depth buyer journey map? If not, you could be missing out on critical data that would improve the success of your marketing strategy and campaigns. This week’s flashback posts include some great examples of buyer journey models, rules to help you crush the competition, the LinkedIn mistake almost all of us are making and much more. Take a look at my favorite posts from this past week: 

  1. Sharpen Your Content Marketing: 4 Ways to Model the Buyer’s Journey – 

Buyer journey mapping can be an incredibly valuable process for marketers. It allows you to visualize your audience, where they are in life and in the buying process, what information they would find valuable and what information could take them to the next level. This post shares various different buyer journey models and how they can be used to help your content marketing strategy.

2. Cutthroat Digital Marketing: 5 Rules to Help You Crush the Competition –

I love how this post touches on the fact that following the rules doesn’t always guarantee a win, but it does give you the edge and oftentimes results in a more meaningful experience. Learn how understanding, honesty, innovation, creating valuable, and being the best answer can give you a leg up on the competition. 

  1. The 7 Deadly Sins of Content Marketing –

Content marketing is top of mind for many marketers, yet there still seems to be a disconnect when it comes to incorporating a thorough SEO analysis. This post touches on seven common mistakes businesses make by not integrating SEO (and other digital strategies) into their content marketing tactics.

  1. Keep Up With SEO With These 15 Search Podcasts –

Do you struggle to keep up with the latest search and SEO trends? Stay updated on the best practices, new opportunities for improvement and conflicting info in regard to the importance of rank factors with these highly rated search podcasts. 

  1. The Mistake 99 Percent of LinkedIn Users Make –

There is one critical mistake that 99% of LinkedIn users are making. Failing to optimize the content of their profile is prohibiting some users from being found because like Google, it comes down to keywords. This post stresses the importance of a robust profile and walks you through step by step how to create one.

What articles have you read this week that you found interesting? Please share any good resources for inbound and digital marketing initiatives in the comments below.