The 5-Part Recipe for a Fully Optimized Website

Author: Monica Madsen

Is your website user friendly? Are you creating killer content that engages your users or are you writing for search engines? Creating a website that meets and exceeds the needs of your users, search engines, and your brand is a challenge. But fear not – where there’s a will, there’s a way! Building an optimized website that everyone will like is possible.

website optimization inbound marketingWe recently went over some secrets to successful SEO to help increase your rankings. Now, we’ll take those SEO practices and put them together in ways that will help build an optimized website for search engines, but mainly for your visitors.  Follow this 5-part recipe and you’ll be on your way to increasing your search engine rankings and bringing in more leads.

  1. Create killer content.
    1. Target your buyer personas when writing content. Provide value and quality for your customers, so they can see the importance in your product or service.
    2. Make it consistent and easy to digest – meaning your content should flow around one topic. You don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too much varying information at once.
    3. Be educational with the information you provide. Show the benefits without jumping into a hard sell of your product or service. Think of what your customer wants to hear, and what is important to them.
    4. It’s also important to keep producing new content, as SEO is continually changing. Share industry updates for your customers and keep them in the loop (another great way to build your brand identity and provide great customer service).
  2. Focus on the user experience.
    1. Create easy-to-find relevant content that is straight to the point. Remove any superfluous information or friction that distracts from the purpose of the page.
    2. Provide the next logical step, such as a Call-to-Action. Show your customers what they should do, if they are interested. And if you’ve been focusing on their wants and needs, they will most likely follow through.
  3. Make social sharing simple.
    1. Add social sharing icons/buttons on your blog posts. The more people see that others have shared a post, the more they will be inclined to share it as well.
    2. Social sharing buttons can also be added anywhere relevant – anywhere you believe the content is worthy to be shared, such as important updates, news, and events.
  4. Build brand identity.
    1. It’s important to note that brand recognition doesn’t happen overnight. Building your brand identity will take some time, effort, and patience. But it’s important that you don’t give up!
    2. Building your brand is also related to providing top-notch customer service. Show that you’re a trustworthy business, that provides quality products and service, and your business name will be spread.
  5. Optimize your content.
    1. With SEO, keywords are important, and those keywords need to be included in the content you create – in 4 important places:
      1. Blog title
      2. Throughout the content
      3. Alt tags
      4. Image file names
    2. Create anchor text links within your content as well – linking keywords to relevant posts that can provide added information. Share your content through various channels, so that your message is spread.

By going through these changes and following this recipe, you’ll be on your way to building a fully optimized website. Your website will be user friendly, engaging and even intriguing your visitors through the valuable content you provide. So, why wait? Start growing your brand identity today through your website.

Is your website optimized? In what ways are you providing for your customers?

Inbound Marketing 101

Topics: Link Building, Website, SEO