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What the heck should I write about?

Written by Jeff Coon | Sep 4, 2009 3:46:00 AM

A common concern and a potential obstacle for those considering blogging is “what the heck should I write about?” It’s not as big of a concern for those starting a personal blog, but what about companies wanting to get into the blogosphere? The answer is simple. Write about what interests you and topics that you know a lot about – ie: your job.

For those that truly enjoy what they do everyday and are passionate about their career, blogging should come easy. Simply share the information you know with those that are seeking it. Think about common questions your customers may have and try to address those in a way that not only showcases your expertise but also your personality. People like to do business with people, so it’s OK (and highly recommended) to give your customers a sense of who you are and to write in a more conversational style. Remember, you’re not writing a white paper.

Companies may be hesitant to write in a way that isn’t as polished as the image their Marketing and PR folks have worked very hard to create, but think about this scenario for a moment. When you attend a meeting with a client or potential client, what’s one of the first things you ask? Probably something like “How are you doing?” This usually leads into some insight about their personal life. As your relationship with a client grows, you start to exchange stories about your kids, your golf game, vacation experiences, etc. The point is that you’re creating a relationship that is built on both a personal connection and professional expertise. SO, why can’t a blog do the same thing?

There are certainly limits on how casual you’ll want to be in your blog. It really depends on your company, the industry you’re in and your audience demographics, but all of that should be clearly defined in your social media strategy. Just don’t be afraid to break down the big corporate wall that can alienate those customers looking to do business with a person. Think about your own life experiences, are you more likely to work with someone you know and trust or a company who’s ad you just saw on TV?