AI Policy

Update: This AI Policy was last updated on: Friday, May 12, 2023.

Stream Creative is committed to delivering high-quality services that are aligned with the values of our clients. We believe in embracing new technology to support our integrated marketing strategies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) for research, content generation, sales, and development tasks.

The use of AI technology helps our team improve efficiencies for repeatable processes and aids us in creating engaging, informative, and relevant content. To achieve this objective, we diligently follow responsible usage of AI across all of our business functions.

This policy outlines our approach to using AI for content generation, task management, and more.

S - Strategic: We believe AI can be a powerful tool. Yet, we will continue emphasizing the value of collaborative problem-solving, human connections, comparative research, and storytelling.

T - Transparent: The use of AI will always be transparent. Our valued clients and partners will know when and how AI is being used in marketing activities. This transparency helps build and maintain trust, which our agency prioritizes. 

R - Responsible: We believe in a human-centered approach to AI focused on AI as a tool rather than a means to an end. 

E - Ethical: Our team will use and implement AI systems ethically, considering the impact they may have on individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. 

A - Accountable: We will remain accountable for our use of AI software and ensure that the use of AI systems complies with all relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

M - Measured: Our use of AI will remain a part of our processes only as long as it proves value in the marketplace and improves efficiency. 

Stream Creative uses a collection of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products for: 
  • Subject matter interview recaps and transcription

  • Content summarization

  • Outline generation

  • Brainstorming and ideation

  • Copyediting

  • Writing and editing HTML code

  • Search engine optimization

  • Image generation

We are committed to creating assets that meet the high standards of our clients and their audiences. As your agency, we look forward to being on the leading edge of new technology and embracing its use to deliver high-quality original materials that support your business objectives and exceed your expectations.